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We can provide a reliable after-sales assistance, to all our Customers in the world.
From the time of line installation and commissioning, our team of engineers is at your full disposal for any adjustments or to supply spare parts. The assistance can be provided either via the internet, operating on PS lines in remote mode, or directly at the production facility.
From the time of line installation and commissioning, our team of engineers is at your full disposal for any adjustments or to supply spare parts. The assistance can be provided either via the internet, operating on PS lines in remote mode, or directly at the production facility.

PS Costruzioni Meccaniche srl Via De Capitanei 55/57 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB) - ITALY Tel.: 039-6898763 / 831 Fax: 039-6898769 E-mail: ps@pscm.it
C.F. 09877020157 P.IVA 00984960963 Registro Imprese di Monza e Brianza n. 09877020157- REA n. 1326496 Capitale Sociale € 60.000,00 interamente versato
C.F. 09877020157 P.IVA 00984960963 Registro Imprese di Monza e Brianza n. 09877020157- REA n. 1326496 Capitale Sociale € 60.000,00 interamente versato