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Automatic coil winding lines

We have designed this model line, in order to process single and multicore cables, up to 12mm of outer diameter. This Line can process a wide range of cables and can be equipped with two Unwinding Systems: Defilé (Flyer Pay Off) for single core cables and Deroulé (motorized stand) for multicore cables.
Our PS400/12 includes also some quality and control devices: Spark tester, Lump detector, Labelling machines, Pallet Units and Pallets Wrapper units.
PS Costruzioni Meccaniche srl Via De Capitanei 55/57 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB) - ITALY Tel.: 039-6898763 / 831 Fax: 039-6898769 E-mail: ps@pscm.it
C.F. 09877020157 P.IVA 00984960963 Registro Imprese di Monza e Brianza n. 09877020157- REA n. 1326496 Capitale Sociale € 60.000,00 interamente versato
C.F. 09877020157 P.IVA 00984960963 Registro Imprese di Monza e Brianza n. 09877020157- REA n. 1326496 Capitale Sociale € 60.000,00 interamente versato