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Automatic coil winding lines

Automatic Coiling Line for processing PVC and rubber insulated cables. Its strength makes it possible to wind up onto coils, rubber cables having an outer diameter of 28mm (5x16mm2) and lengths of 25 meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters and more.
As all PS lines, it has a modular structure and it is pre-set for implementing optional units in the future.
PS Costruzioni Meccaniche srl Via De Capitanei 55/57 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB) - ITALY Tel.: 039-6898763 / 831 Fax: 039-6898769 E-mail: ps@pscm.it
C.F. 09877020157 P.IVA 00984960963 Registro Imprese di Monza e Brianza n. 09877020157- REA n. 1326496 Capitale Sociale € 60.000,00 interamente versato
C.F. 09877020157 P.IVA 00984960963 Registro Imprese di Monza e Brianza n. 09877020157- REA n. 1326496 Capitale Sociale € 60.000,00 interamente versato